When you are ready to send a reservation (PNR) through Q/C using the script.
Before you launch the script to run Q/C, we recommend you check the PNR for the following elements:
Check the PNR to ensure seats have been assigned . IF not, work on securing the best possible scenario free standard seating first. All purchased seating and special seating can be secured after ticketing.
End transaction. Wait a minute for response or you will get SIMULTANEOUS CHANGES. Then continue.
If you have seats already in the PNR - proceed.
To look at seats, see *B or by segment *B1 (the 1 being the segment number)
End transaction. Wait a minute for response or you will get SIMULTANEOUS CHANGES. Then continue.
If you have seats already in the PNR - proceed.
To look at seats, see *B or by segment *B1 (the 1 being the segment number)
Check for FOP
See if the credit card is in the PNR . If the credit card does not display, you might have two different forms of payment and be using FP lines to indicate that, which is fine. This will error and manual ticketing will have to be done.
See if the credit card is in the PNR . If the credit card does not display, you might have two different forms of payment and be using FP lines to indicate that, which is fine. This will error and manual ticketing will have to be done.
Remove the previous fare quote remarks if any
Store the FQ amount as a 5H- FQ $XXX.00 PLUS $xx.00 Fee DDMM
Store the FQ amount as a 5H- FQ $XXX.00 PLUS $xx.00 Fee DDMM
Ensure that the clients emails are in the PNR, to display:
*E# ‘enter’
Double check the from field is in the PNR too:
*F# ‘enter’
*E# ‘enter’
Double check the from field is in the PNR too:
*F# ‘enter’
Put in the passenger email to the air carrier. This allows the carrier to send notifications for cancellations, delays and schedule changes.
3CTCE/(Email Address)-(Name Assoc.)
3CTCE2/BOB.SMITH//AOL.COM-3.2 (the 3.2 is the name field number)
For American Airlines travelers:
4CTCE(A for all)/(Email address)-(Name Assoc.)
4CTCEA/TIM.JONES//AOL.COM-1.2 (the 1.2 is the name field number)
3CTCE/(Email Address)-(Name Assoc.)
3CTCE2/BOB.SMITH//AOL.COM-3.2 (the 3.2 is the name field number)
For American Airlines travelers:
4CTCE(A for all)/(Email address)-(Name Assoc.)
4CTCEA/TIM.JONES//AOL.COM-1.2 (the 1.2 is the name field number)
Check for Address lines – is pax address in the PNR:
Must have passenger mobile number and/or home number:
Mobile phone number are entered with a -C and home number are entered with -H
Is there a mobile number and/or home number in the PNR? If not there MUST be one or two at minimum.
Why? This allows the air carrier to call the passenger in the event of cancellation or delay and not our office.
Mobile phone number are entered with a -C and home number are entered with -H
Is there a mobile number and/or home number in the PNR? If not there MUST be one or two at minimum.
Why? This allows the air carrier to call the passenger in the event of cancellation or delay and not our office.
Is Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD) in the PNR
*P3D or *P4D if AA or both if AA and OA in the PNR
*P3D or *P4D if AA or both if AA and OA in the PNR
Launch the script using ctrl+A, look for FROSCH, scroll or click on iQCX
Choose Leisure for most all PNR's except those that we do reporting on which are currently Willis Knighton and Unfolded
Launch the script using ctrl+A, look for FROSCH, scroll or click on iQCX
Choose Leisure for most all PNR's except those that we do reporting on which are currently Willis Knighton and Unfolded
We currently do this for the following accounts: Willis Knighton & Unfolded
We do this to show an account what we are saving them in terms of full fare vs the fare they are paying, also other items we report to them month end.
Full fare: WPNC#XP
Lowest fare: WPNI
We currently do this for the following accounts: Willis Knighton & Unfolded
We do this to show an account what we are saving them in terms of full fare vs the fare they are paying, also other items we report to them month end.
Full fare: WPNC#XP
Lowest fare: WPNI
Value Add: Submit anything we do, anything that adds value to the transaction, e.g. unblock seats, voided tickets. To do this go to Frosch Intranet and use Forms and submit .